Please thank Danielle Brabazon for these images.
click here to return to course documents
Here are forms for students to use.
For those finishing their four courses. Please fill out and send to sue@georgesueroberts.com.
For those refreshing. Please fill out and send to sue@georgesueroberts.com.
If a student is from Florida I will process the form. For those from other states I sign and send onto their state chairmen.
Please keep a copy for your records — when questions come up later it will give you the data to resolve any issues.
click here for certification applications
Here are files for Course 4 scheduled for October 23 – 24, 2020
Item 14 contains items 0 through 13 in one file
Susan Jane Hogarth wrote on Facebook 10/17/2020 that Marc Montoni said:
“I have no intention of attempting to sell you or any other police-state supporter on the advantages of a voluntary society not governed by coercion.
There are people who already understand the police state you’ve helped create injures individual rights and steals wealth to transfer it to the theft sector. I only agreed to place my name on the ballot to give those individuals a way to express their non-support of that police state.
Sure, there’s lots more of you. There will be for a long time to come. You and yours have control of the state indoctrination system. Not going to waste my time fighting that; I’m not going to try to dissuade you from your support of state violence.
It took five thousand years of ‘civilization’ before slavery suddenly collapsed and was abolished — just over the last couple of hundred years. Coercion is next.
Some people have moved past the coercion-based system you support. It is for them that my name is on the ballot.
If you support less coercion, feel free to cast your vote for me.
If you don’t support less coercion, you are free to vote for others.”
Here is a vimeo link
password: Active
Please thank Drew for digitizing the original VHS tape.
Here is a video about F1 development of active suspension in the early 1990s
In a recent article Ryan McMaken asks us to consider military generals as just another special interest group.
“… what this all shows us is that it’s time to start viewing the generals for what they are: lifelong bureaucrats who upon retirement are more than happy to use their easy and vaunted experience in government as a means to fame, adulation, and easy money. After all, in the modern world, generals don’t become generals through courage on the battlefield, or even through any particularly insightful thinking or expertise. …”
On Bob Murphy’s Facebook Page I asked:
Austrian economics decries the boom-bust cycle caused by central banks and governments interfering with free markets.
For moral reasons, I support free markets, but am curious if there is any evidence that having boom-bust cycles results in greater long term economic growth than would a steady growth scenario?
From a consequentialist view, is economic intervention bad because it prolongs the periods of boom, and bust, rather than affecting the long term trend?
Bob suggested reading about Mises’ idea of capital consumption.