
Social Justice

At Bleeding Hearts Libertarians

example of discussion

there is a lot of discussion about the importance of Social Justice, rectification of past injustices, and the need for establishing institutions that maximizes Social Justice.

My take:

A happy life is a journey not a destination. The initial condition for each person should be when that person declares emancipation from the parents. Any injustice that is present at that point is due to the parents conceiving and raising the person in an unjust world. Rectification for injustices before emancipation should be ignored.
We should consider the world at the transition from dependence on our parents as our initial condition, and enjoy developing the best path to seek happiness from there. Otherwise we are filled with envy, and in turmoil trying to seek retribution for historical injustices.

Sheldon Richmond on Representation

We didn’t intervene in Libya, setting the stage for the attack on the CIA post in Benghazi. We didn’t use a political double standard in ruling on tax-exemption requests from nonprofit organizations. We didn’t try to frighten government whistle-blowers by subpoenaing reporters’ phone records, reading their email, and even naming one journalist (Fox’s James Rosen) as a co-conspirator under the Espionage Act. We didn’t ask the NSA to gather data on us.

We did none these things. They did. Who are they? The wielders of power and the interests for whom they front.


Worth reading:

The best way to keep Iran from building a nuclear bomb is for the Obama administration and its nuclear client Israel to stop threatening the Islamic Republic.

Look at recent history. In 2003 Iraq’s government had no nuclear weapons (or other WMD). The U.S. government invaded, and before long Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was hanging from a rope. In 2011 Libya’s government had no nuclear weapons. The U.S. government led NATO on a bombing campaign to help a group of rebels, and before long Libyan Col. Muammar Qaddafi lay dead on a roadside. Today Syria has no nuclear weapons. The U.S. government and NATO are currently aiding rebels seeking to overthrow (and likely kill) President Bashar al-Assad.

On the other hand, North Korea has nuclear weapons, and Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un appears safe from any regime change sponsored by the U.S. government and NATO.

Lesson for foreign leaders who are in the doghouse with the U.S. government: Get a nuke.

Policies / Tactics of Political Parties



My Approach

Achieve district offices by manipulating voting districts in their favor Achieve district offices by manipulating voting districts in their favor Multi-member districts – top 5 candidates have voting strength based on number of votes they receive. Virtually all voters get represented.
Seeking to limit voting to their constituents by all legal and illegal means Seek to maximize their votes by making everyone legal and encourage voting multiple times Anyone with legal residence or paying property taxes in a district may vote for any office that votes on tax issues.
Seeking to undo social safety nets Support all government programs whether they have any benefit Support all voluntary social safety nets
Run up huge deficits when in power since Reagan Will spend as much as they can get away with Level of spending is important, not whether there are deficits
Use the power of government to control people on issues dear to their base Use the power of government to control people on issues dear to their base Use power of government to punish aggression, theft and fraud
Use anti-social positions to energize their base Demonize all opposition to energize their base. Use persuasion to energize their base
Eager for foreign military adventure Depite rhetoric, provides support for foreign military adventures Support only defensive military action of land areas in which a majority of people pay US taxes
Eager for un-necessary military spending Supports all domestic military spending whether necessary or not Support voluntary funding of military
Use propaganda to mask their real agenda Lie to mask their real agenda Lying about and withholding government information should be an impeachable offense
Favor policies that benefit the rich Give lip service to policies that benefit the poor. Truly only care about getting relected. Separation of government from the economy
Happy to socialize big business losses and privatize profit Happy to socialize big business losses and confiscate all profit Separation of government from the economy
Against many progressive policy’s first sponsored by moderate Republicans For any policy that increases government control of peoples lives Support all voluntary and peaceful behavior
Political power more important than policy that will benefit the population Political power more important than policy that will benefit the population Support minimizing political power.
No longer willing to invest in a better future for the US Wants to invest other people’s money. Does not measure outcomes Supports all voluntary and peaceful behavior